Academic Excursions


We believe that the best learning happens not only inside the classroom but also outside. Thus, we try to make connections to the real world for our students. To that end, our students:

        • Participate in overnight trips to Washington, DC, Boston and Philadelphia.

        • Explore the outdoors in day long and overnight camping trips.

        • Collaborate with teaching artists to learn about social justice issues


While we incorporate these experiences, we also take advantage of the many high-quality programs that exist for urban youth, especially those in the Urban Assembly network. Currently, UASLE students participate in the following programs:

        • Sponsors for Educational Opportunity

        • Minds Matter

        • Breakthrough NY.

        • The Opportunity Network

Finally, research has shown that over a summer, many children lose 1/3 of what they learn during a school year. Therefore, our Office of College Counseling helps students fill their summers with meaningful and fun experiences. Our students have participated in:

        • Phillips Exeter Summer Program.

        • Intrepid.

        • Camp Fuller (on full scholarship).

        • Camp Kadia.

        • Smack Mellon Summer Arts Program.