Career Exploration
At Urban Assembly School for Leadership and Empowerment, we strive to prepare our students for college success through academic rigor, access to enrichment activities and personalized supports. We also expose students to a variety of career options through our annual CAREER DAY event.
Each year, we invite volunteers representing a diversity of professions to speak at our Career Day, sharing their unique stories and pathways with our students. It is a day the entire school looks forward to each year. Sadly in 2020, Career Day had to be cancelled due to Covid-19. In response, UASLE students and Board Members decided to try something new, creating an online, virtual platform that brings women together to inspire each other, lift each other up, and reflect on their journeys. Below is a description, from the website, of the resulting project, :
We Were Seeds started as a Virtual Career Day, grounded in the belief that representation matters. With a focus on highlighting the stories of women and people of color, students and board members interviewed women of many paths: those who are educators, doctors, grassroots organizers, lawyers, tech gurus, CEOs, consultants, late night TV coordinators, finance mavens, and fashionistas.
We turned into so much more: a platform where women share what it’s like to be “the only woman” in a board room, the power of their female network, and how they found the courage to take a firm stand and fight for what they believe in.
UASLE's graduation rate stands at 95%. Our alumnae are currently enrolled at CUNY and SUNY colleges as well as private institutions including Barnard, Bryn Mawr, Columbia, Princeton, Skidmore, Smith, St. Lawrence and Wesleyan.