NYS Common Core
New York State adopted the Common Core Standards in July 2010 with the understanding that New York State could add an additional 15% of NYS-specific standards in ELA and Mathematics. The Board of Regents approved the New York State P-12 Common Core Learning Standards in January 2011. See the New York State P-12 Common Core Learning Standards for Math and ELA.
The Common Core State Standards are fewer, clearer and higher than most state standards, and include rigorous content and application of knowledge through higher order skills. But how do the CCSS compare to the NYS standards? See the table below for some key differences between the current NYS Standards and Common Core State Standards.
Courses at UASLE are aligned with New York State Common Core Standards:
Curriculum maps for all courses at UASLE are aligned with the Next Generation standards in literacy and math. Students frequently engage in close readings of grade level texts in order to prepare for the changes in statewide assessments and prepare for college. In addition, all students at UASLE complete Think Ready projects for each major subject. These Common Core aligned projects help students get ready to engage in college level research.